How Your Nutritional Needs Change After Forty

If you’re a woman approaching 40 years old, you may start to notice some changes happening with your body.

In fact, your body has been undergoing these changes for years, practically unnoticed. At around 40, though, they become more pronounced.

It’s more important than ever to think carefully about the type of supplements, vitamins and nutrients you need to keep enjoying optimal health.

At this age, some women start to show the signs of entering menopause which brings a whole host of other concerns to look out for.    (1)

Also, your metabolism begins to slow down, your muscle starts to slowly diminish and you often begin to gain weight. Losing this weight will probably be much more difficult than it was 20 years previously.      (2)

Your bones may start to show signs of weakening at this point as well. If this is not addressed, it can spell bigger problems over the coming years.   (3)

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Stress and other emotional health factors play a role in your overall health once you reach your 40s. As hormones begin to fluctuate, you might increasingly feel like you don’t have a handle on your emotions and the stresses of everyday life are huge contributors to that.    (4)

Sleep disturbances are another area where you might encounter problems once you enter your 40s…

Insomnia and sleep apnea are the most prevalent, with other issues like restless leg syndrome sometimes entering the fray.  (5)

This lack of sleep can contribute to other health complications, but most noticeable in your daily life is a lack of energy. Even when well rested, you might still feel stripped of energy by lunchtime. Don’t worry. It’s not just you!

With each passing year, your chance of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes or cancer edges upward. The likelihood of developing heart disease or suffering from a coronary event also increases as you enter your 40s.    (6)(7)

Important Supplements Worth Considering

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If these possible health problems are a simple by-product of the ageing process, then is there anything you can do about them or do you just need to take it on the chin?

Note: Before you begin any vitamin and supplement regimen, be sure to speak with your doctor and your pharmacist. Your doctor knows your health history, and your pharmacist will consider interactions with other medications you may be taking.  Also, consider the reputation and quality of the manufacturer; there are controversies around the efficacy of vitamins.

  1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids are vital to every woman’s health after the age of 40. Omega 3s can help reduce your risk of heart disease as well as keep you mentally sharp.      (8)  (9)
  2. Iron deficiency risk drops as you age, but you should still take an iron supplement, especially if you are yet to go through the menopause transition. Iron supplementation is vital to help your body produce enough red blood cells.    (10)
  3. Magnesium helps regulate blood pressure, which is important for maintaining good heart health.   (11)
  4. Calcium helps to maintain bone health and studies are showing that it can also play an important role in protecting you from some chronic illnesses. (12)
  5. B Vitamins are always important but will give you a particular boost during this period of your life. Vitamin B12 specifically can help improve the functioning of your brain and your blood.
  6. Vitamin D is a powerhouse in a tiny capsule. First, it is vital if you want your body to properly absorb the calcium you’re taking.      (13)
  7. Potassium is also beneficial for heart health. Since cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women today, this may be a good one to specifically talk to your doctor about.     (14)
  8. Probiotics are a great option for a supplement no matter your age, but they can offer a special host of benefits during these years. Probiotics are useful for balancing the system in your stomach and they can help to keep your weight regulated.  They also serve to decrease the risk of chronic disease. (15)
  9. Multivitamins can also be a smart choice when it comes to supplementation. When opting for multivitamins, you can get several vitamins and nutrients in one convenient dose.

Where To Buy Your Supplements

Before you rush out to buy these supplements, discuss their potential benefits with your doctor. Your health history is very important.

Once you have made the decision to take them, then be sure to buy a credible brand from a credible source. In today’s increasingly health conscious world, supplements and vitamins are easily available.  




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